The question requires to use gaussian elimination to solve x,y,z:


The answer i got is x=-6, y=-4, z=5
But the answer from answersheet is x=3, y=1/2, z=-4
Is it possible to get a different answer using gaussian elimination? Or there is only an exact answer.

i found my mistake and got the answer. Thanks!

Ok, I ran it through

Wolfram and also got the published answer

There is only one solution to the system, regardless of the method used.

did you check your answer to see whether it works in the equations?
2(-6)-6(-4)-5 = 7 ✅
(-6)+2(-4)+5 = -9 ❌
(-6)+4(-4)+2(5) = -12 ❌
ALWAYS check your answer!

While Gaussian elimination is a systematic method for solving systems of linear equations, it is possible to make errors or encounter inconsistencies that could lead to different final answers. It's important to double-check your work to ensure accuracy.

To perform Gaussian elimination, we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the augmented matrix of the system:
[ 2 -6 -1 | 7 ]
[ 1 2 1 | 0 ]
[ 1 4 2 | -3 ]

Step 2: Apply row operations to convert the matrix into upper triangular form:
R2 = R2 - (1/2)R1
R3 = R3 - (1/2)R1

The updated matrix:
[ 2 -6 -1 | 7 ]
[ 0 5 3 | -3.5 ]
[ 0 7 3 | -6.5 ]

Step 3: Further simplify the matrix:
R3 = R3 - (7/5)R2

The updated matrix:
[ 2 -6 -1 | 7 ]
[ 0 5 3 | -3.5 ]
[ 0 0 -4 | -1.2 ]

Step 4: Solve for z:
-4z = -1.2
z = (-1.2) / (-4) = 0.3

Step 5: Substitute z = 0.3 into the second equation and solve for y:
5y + 3(0.3) = -3.5
5y + 0.9 = -3.5
5y = -4.4
y = (-4.4) / 5 = -0.88 or -22/25

Step 6: Substitute y = -0.88 into the first equation and solve for x:
2x - 6(-0.88) - 0.3 = 7
2x + 5.28 - 0.3 = 7
2x + 4.98 = 7
2x = 2.02
x = 2.02 / 2 = 1.01

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x ≈ 1.01, y ≈ -0.88, z ≈ 0.3.

Comparing this to the answer sheet, it seems your initial answer of x = -6, y = -4, z = 5 is incorrect.