In a quadrilateral, three of the angle measures are 90°. If the figure does not have four congruent sides, what is it?

Which one is the correct one? Please tell me!!!

not rhombus

In my world it is a rectangle :)

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the properties of the given figure. In this case, the figure has three right angles. Let's examine the properties of each option:

1. Square: A square has four congruent sides and four right angles. Since the figure in question does not have four congruent sides, it cannot be a square.

2. Rhombus: A rhombus has four congruent sides but does not necessarily have right angles. Since the figure in question has right angles, it cannot be a rhombus.

3. Quadrilateral: By definition, any four-sided polygon is a quadrilateral. This option is a general classification and does not provide specific details about the given figure.

4. Rectangle: A rectangle has four right angles but does not necessarily have congruent sides. Since the figure in question has right angles but not necessarily congruent sides, it can be a rectangle.

Based on the given information, the correct answer is a rectangle.