What is a "spin-off"? * 1 point

a creation that makes fun of space technology to make us laugh
a creation that mimics space technology to make life on earth better
Space-age technology humans do not care about
a new space t3echnology based on an older one

What are some "spin-offs" we use today? (select all that apply) * 3 points
fire masks for firefighters
robot hands
cell phones
beowulf clusters

What is a beowulf cluster? * 1 point
16 computers linked together
16 servers linked together
an Old English epic poem
heroic legend consisting of 3,182 alliterative lines

What are beowulf clusters used to develop? * 3 points
airplane wings
robotic hands
super computers

A "spin-off" refers to a creation or innovation that is derived from an existing technology or idea. It could be a new product, service, or technology that is developed based on a pre-existing concept.

To determine the answer to "What is a 'spin-off'?", we can analyze the options provided:

- Option 1: "A creation that makes fun of space technology to make us laugh" - This does not accurately describe a spin-off.
- Option 2: "A creation that mimics space technology to make life on earth better" - This is a closer description of a spin-off, as it suggests using space technology to improve life on Earth.
- Option 3: "Space-age technology humans do not care about" - This does not accurately describe a spin-off.
- Option 4: "A new space technology based on an older one" - This is the most accurate description of a spin-off. It emphasizes the development of new technology based on existing technology.

Therefore, the correct answer is: "A new space technology based on an older one."

Moving on to the next question, "What are some 'spin-offs' we use today?":

- Option 1: "Fire masks for firefighters" - Fire masks are not typically considered spin-offs but rather specific safety equipment designed for firefighters.
- Option 2: "Robot hands" - Robot hands can be considered as spin-offs since they are derived from advancements in robotics and automation technologies.
- Option 3: "Cell phones" - Cell phones are products that have evolved and been developed based on various technological advancements, including telecommunications and computer technologies. They can be categorized as spin-offs.
- Option 4: "Beowulf clusters" - Beowulf clusters are not commonly used by the general population and are not typically considered spin-offs.

Based on the rationale above, the correct answers are: "Robot hands" and "Cell phones."

Moving on to the next question, "What is a Beowulf cluster?":

- Option 1: "16 computers linked together" - This is an accurate description of a Beowulf cluster. It typically consists of multiple computers linked together to form a cluster.
- Option 2: "16 servers linked together" - This is also an accurate description of a Beowulf cluster since servers are a type of computer as well.
- Option 3: "An Old English epic poem" - This refers to the literary work "Beowulf" and is not related to the concept of a Beowulf cluster.
- Option 4: "Heroic legend consisting of 3,182 alliterative lines" - This is also a reference to the literary work "Beowulf" and does not pertain to Beowulf clusters.

To sum up, the correct answers for the description of a Beowulf cluster are: "16 computers linked together" and "16 servers linked together."

Lastly, addressing the question "What are Beowulf clusters used to develop?":

- Option 1: "Airplane wings" - Beowulf clusters are not directly utilized for developing airplane wings.
- Option 2: "Robotic hands" - Beowulf clusters are not specifically used for developing robotic hands.
- Option 3: "Supercomputers" - This is the correct answer. Beowulf clusters are typically employed in the development and construction of supercomputers, which require parallel processing capabilities.
- Option 4: "Shoes" - Beowulf clusters are not typically involved in the development of shoes.

Therefore, the correct answer is: "Supercomputers."

To conclude, the correct answers to the questions are:

- What is a "spin-off"? A new space technology based on an older one.
- What are some "spin-offs" we use today? Robot hands and cell phones.
- What is a Beowulf cluster? 16 computers linked together and 16 servers linked together.
- What are Beowulf clusters used to develop? Supercomputers.