for the relation give by the set of ordered pair (5,3),(-2,4),(5,2),(-2,3) determine the domain and the range.

you have some (x,y) pairs

domain: the set of x values
range: the set of y values

To determine the domain and range of the given relation, let's first list all the x-coordinates (first elements) and y-coordinates (second elements) from the given ordered pairs:

X-coordinates (Domain):
- 5
- -2
- 5
- -2

Y-coordinates (Range):
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 3

Now we can determine the domain and range by removing any repeated values:

Domain: {-5, -2}

Range: {2, 3, 4}

So, the domain of the relation is {-5, -2} and the range is {2, 3, 4}.

To determine the domain and range of the given relation, we need to understand what each term means:

1. Domain: The domain of a relation refers to the set of all possible values for the input (first element) in the ordered pairs.

2. Range: The range of a relation refers to the set of all possible values for the output (second element) in the ordered pairs.

Now let's find the domain and range for the given relation by examining the set of ordered pairs: (5,3), (-2,4), (5,2), (-2,3).

Step 1: Identify the unique values in the first element (x-coordinate) of the ordered pairs. These values constitute the domain.

In this case, the unique x-values are 5 and -2. So, the domain of the given relation is {5, -2}.

Step 2: Identify the unique values in the second element (y-coordinate) of the ordered pairs. These values constitute the range.

In this case, the unique y-values are 3, 4, and 2. So, the range of the given relation is {3, 4, 2}.

To summarize:
- The domain of the given relation is {5, -2}.
- The range of the given relation is {3, 4, 2}.

You can determine the domain and range of a relation by identifying the unique values in the x-coordinate (domain) and y-coordinate (range) of the ordered pairs.