What does the reader learn

about the setting in "The Gift
of the Magi" from the
following passage in Section

38- For there lay The Combs--
the set of combs, side and
back, that Della had
worshipped long in a
Broadway window.

A. It reveals place - the Youngs previously visited Broadway Street where Jim bought the combs.

B. It reveals place - the Youngs live near a church where Della worships.

C. It reveals the time - it tells exactly how many years Della had wanted the combs.

To understand what the reader learns about the setting in "The Gift of the Magi" from the passage in Section 38, let's break down the passage and analyze the options provided:

38- For there lay The Combs-- the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway window.

The passage mentions "The Combs," which were long desired by Della, and specifically states that they were displayed in a Broadway window.

A. The passage does not mention anything about the Youngs previously visiting Broadway Street or anyone named Jim buying the combs, so option A is not accurate.

B. The passage does not provide any information about the Youngs living near a church or Della worshipping there, so option B is not accurate.

C. The passage does not mention the exact number of years Della wanted the combs, only that she had worshipped them "long" in the Broadway window. So, option C is not accurate.

Therefore, none of the options accurately reflect what the reader learns about the setting from this passage.

Instead, the passage reveals that the story is set on or near Broadway, where Della desired the combs. This could suggest that the characters live in a city or urban area with a busy shopping district. The mention of Broadway also gives a sense of the time period, as Broadway is a famous street associated with New York City and the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, the passage reveals the setting to be on or near Broadway, indicating a city or urban setting with a bustling shopping district.