Estimate the square root to the nearest (a) integer and (b) tenth.


well, √335 ≈ 18.303

now use that to get your answer

To estimate the square root of −√335/2 to the nearest integer and tenth, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the square root of 335/2. Note that since the expression has a minus sign in front of the square root, the result will also be negative.

Step 2: Calculate the approximate value of the square root using a calculator or by using estimation techniques.

Calculating the square root of 335/2 using a calculator, we find that the square root is approximately -15.406.

Now, let's estimate it to the nearest (a) integer and (b) tenth:

(a) To estimate to the nearest integer, we round the result to the closest whole number. In this case, -15.406 is closest to -15.

(b) To estimate to the nearest tenth, we round the result to the nearest decimal place. In this case, -15.406 is closest to -15.4.

Therefore, the square root of -√335/2 to the nearest (a) integer is -15, and (b) tenth is -15.4.

To estimate the square root of -√335/2 to the nearest integer, we can use the fact that the square root of a negative number is imaginary. The square root of any negative number "a" can be written as "√(-a) = i√a", where "i" represents the imaginary unit. So, √(-335/2) can be written as "i√(335/2)".

To estimate the square root to the nearest integer, we need to find the value of "√(335/2)", which is the positive square root of 335/2. We can use a calculator to find this value.

Using a calculator, we find that √(335/2) is approximately 14.54. Since the square root of a negative number is imaginary, the nearest integer approximation of -√335/2 would be -15.

To estimate the square root of -√335/2 to the nearest tenth, we use the same approach. We find the value of √(335/2), which is approximately 14.54. However, since we need to round to the nearest tenth, we round 14.54 to the nearest tenth, giving us 14.5.

Since the square root of a negative number is imaginary, the nearest tenth approximation of -√335/2 would be -14.5.

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