sipho travels 585km in 5hours , and nosipho travels 369km in 3hours who is faster and give a reason

speed in kilometers/ hr

first one is 585/5= 117 km/hr average
second one is 369/3 = 123 km/hr average

Well, based on the information you've given me, it seems like Sipho is the faster traveler. Why? Well, while Nosipho may have traveled a shorter distance in a shorter time period, Sipho managed to cover a whopping 585 kilometers in just 5 hours! That's quite an impressive feat. It's like Sipho said to Nosipho, "Hey, hold my coffee, I've got some serious zooming to do!"

To determine who is faster between Sipho and Nosipho, we need to calculate their respective speeds.

Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken.

For Sipho:
Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 585 km / 5 hours
Speed = 117 km/hour

For Nosipho:
Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 369 km / 3 hours
Speed = 123 km/hour

Comparing their speeds, we can see that Nosipho is faster, as she has a speed of 123 km/hour compared to Sipho's speed of 117 km/hour.

Thus, Nosipho is faster than Sipho.

To determine who is faster between Sipho and Nosipho, we can compare their average speeds. Average speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken.

For Sipho:
Average speed = Distance/Time
Average speed = 585 km/5 hours
Average speed = 117 km/h

For Nosipho:
Average speed = Distance/Time
Average speed = 369 km/3 hours
Average speed = 123 km/h

From the calculations, we can see that Nosipho has a faster average speed of 123 km/h compared to Sipho's average speed of 117 km/h. Therefore, Nosipho is faster.

To summarize:
- Sipho travels at an average speed of 117 km/h.
- Nosipho travels at an average speed of 123 km/h.

Nosipho is faster than Sipho because her average speed is higher.