What is the average rate of change for the cost of a sub at Fred's Sub Shop?

To calculate the average rate of change for the cost of a sub at Fred's Sub Shop, you will need two data points: the initial cost of a sub and the final cost of a sub.

1. Determine the initial cost of a sub: This can be done by referring to the historical prices of subs at Fred's Sub Shop. Look for information on the cost of a sub at a specific point in time, such as a few months or years ago.

2. Determine the final cost of a sub: Similarly, find information on the current cost of a sub at Fred's Sub Shop. This can be obtained by checking their website, contacting the shop directly, or looking for recent customer reviews mentioning the price.

3. Calculate the change in cost: Subtract the initial cost of a sub from the final cost. This will give you the total change in cost of a sub over the given time period.

4. Determine the time period: Identify the time period for which the change in cost is calculated. For example, if the initial cost was obtained a year ago and the final cost is current, the time period would be one year.

5. Calculate the average rate of change: Divide the change in cost by the time period. This will give you the average rate at which the cost of a sub at Fred's Sub Shop has changed over the given time period.

Remember, the accuracy of the average rate of change calculation depends on the accuracy of the initial and final cost values obtained.