2. A newspaper started an online version of its paper 14 years ago. In a recent presentation to stockholders, the lead marketing executive stated, “The revenues for online ads are more than double that of the revenues for printed ads.”

Use the graph below to justify the lead executive’s statement.
Determine the approximate year that the two ad revenues were equal.

I can't paste the graph

then why post the problem?

I need the answer 2

did anyone find the answer?

To determine the approximate year that the two ad revenues were equal, you would need to analyze the graph provided.

Without the actual graph, I can only provide you with general guidance on how to analyze the data and determine the approximate year when the revenues for online ads and printed ads were equal.

1. Look for the revenue values on the y-axis of the graph. Identify which line represents the revenue for online ads and which line represents the revenue for printed ads.

2. Observe the trend of the two lines. Determine whether the revenue for online ads is consistently higher throughout the years or if it fluctuates.

3. Identify any specific data points or years indicated on the x-axis of the graph. These data points will provide you with specific revenue values for certain years.

4. Compare the revenue values of the two lines at different points on the graph. Look for any points where the two lines intersect or come close to each other.

5. Based on the trend of the lines and any intersections, estimate the approximate year when the two ad revenues were equal. This would be the year where the two lines cross or come very close to each other.

Since I don't have the actual graph, I cannot determine the specific year when the two ad revenues were equal. However, by following the steps mentioned above and analyzing the graph provided, you should be able to find the approximate year when the revenues for online ads and printed ads were equal.