3. Which senator from Kentucky proposed the compromise that ended the nullification effort to the Tariff of 1828

Sen. Henry Clay of Kentucky

The senator from Kentucky who proposed the compromise that ended the nullification effort to the Tariff of 1828 was Henry Clay.

To find out which senator from Kentucky proposed the compromise that ended the nullification effort to the Tariff of 1828, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for information about the nullification effort to the Tariff of 1828. This event was also known as the Nullification Crisis.

2. Read about the context and details of the Nullification Crisis. This will help you understand the background and the key players involved.

3. Look for information specifically related to the compromise that ended the nullification effort. There were several proposals and negotiations during that time.

4. Pay special attention to the role of Kentucky senator since you are looking for a senator from Kentucky who proposed the compromise.

5. Check historical records, books, or reputable online sources that discuss the Nullification Crisis, the proposed compromises, and the individuals involved.

6. Look for any references to a senator from Kentucky who played a significant role in proposing and promoting the compromise that ended the nullification effort.

By following these steps and conducting research based on reputable sources, you should be able to find the answer to your question.