What does the word "remarkable" mean in this passage? How does the author's use of the word contribute to their overall descriptions of the Mississippi river?

To understand the meaning of the word "remarkable" in the passage, we first need to examine the context and the author's intent in using this specific word. The passage probably provides information about the Mississippi River, and the word "remarkable" is likely used to describe some aspect or quality of the river.

To find the precise definition, we can consult a reliable dictionary or an online resource. For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "remarkable" as "worthy of attention," "uncommon," or "extraordinary." These definitions suggest that something remarkable stands out, is impressive, or has exceptional qualities.

Next, we examine the author's use of the word "remarkable" in the passage. It is important to consider the words and phrases surrounding it, as they provide clues about the intended meaning. The author's overall descriptions of the Mississippi River likely create a vivid or notable image, hence the use of the word "remarkable."

By using "remarkable" to describe the Mississippi River, the author adds a positive and praiseworthy connotation. This suggests that the river possesses exceptional qualities, distinguishing it from other rivers or natural features. The word contributes to the author's effort to convey a sense of awe, beauty, and significance associated with the Mississippi River.

In summary, to understand the meaning of the word "remarkable" in the passage, you can:

1. Examine the context and the passage's overall descriptions of the Mississippi River.
2. Refer to a reliable dictionary or online resource for the definition of "remarkable."
3. Analyze the surrounding words and phrases to understand the intended meaning.
4. Consider the author's intent and how the word contributes to their descriptions of the Mississippi River.

To determine the meaning of the word "remarkable" in the given passage, we need to examine the specific context in which it is used. If you can provide the passage or sentence where the word is used, I would be able to provide you with a more detailed analysis of its meaning and its contribution to the author's overall descriptions of the Mississippi River.