Two tractors, attached to a stump by chains, are being used to pull out the stump. One is pulling with a force of 4000N due east. The other is pulling with a force of 4500N northeast. Let point P represent the stump. Using a scale of 1cm to represent 1000N, find the resulting force and the angle from the east.

Applying the parallelogram rule ,

R^2 = 4500^2 + 4000^2 - 2(4500)(4000)cos135°
|R| = ......

Use the Sine law to find one other angle of the triangle, then
conclude with whatever you mean by "the angle from the east".

To find the resulting force and the angle from the east, we can use vector addition.

Let's break down the forces into their components:

The force due east has a magnitude of 4000 N.
The force northeast can be broken down into two perpendicular components: one due east and one due north. Since it is at a 45-degree angle from the east, the components will have the same magnitude.

The magnitude of the force northeast in the east direction is 4500 N * cos(45°) = 4500 N * (√2 / 2) = 4500 N * 0.7071 ≈ 3182.8 N.

Now, let's find the sum of the forces in the east direction:

Sum of forces in the east direction = Force due east + Force northeast in the east direction
= 4000 N + 3182.8 N
= 7182.8 N

The resulting force in the east direction is 7182.8 N.

Next, let's find the sum of the forces in the north direction:

The magnitude of the force northeast in the north direction is 4500 N * sin(45°) = 4500 N * (√2 / 2) = 4500 N * 0.7071 ≈ 3182.8 N.

Sum of forces in the north direction = Force northeast in the north direction
= 3182.8 N

Since the sum of the forces in the north direction is equal to the force northeast in the north direction, there is no force due north.

Now, let's find the magnitude and the angle of the resulting force:

Magnitude of the resulting force = √[(Sum of forces in the east direction)^2 + (Sum of forces in the north direction)^2]
= √[(7182.8 N)^2 + (0 N)^2]
= √((7182.8 N)^2)
= 7182.8 N

Angle from the east = arctan((Sum of forces in the north direction)/(Sum of forces in the east direction))
= arctan(0/7182.8)
= arctan(0)
= 0°

Therefore, the resulting force is 7182.8 N east, and the angle from the east is 0°.

To find the resulting force and angle from the east, we need to use vector addition. Here's how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Draw a diagram.
Draw a diagram to visualize the situation. Let's denote the first tractor's force as F1, which is 4000N due east, and the second tractor's force as F2, which is 4500N northeast. Mark point P as the location of the stump.

Step 2: Break down forces into horizontal and vertical components.
Since the first force F1 is already in the east direction, its horizontal component (Fx1) will be 4000N, while its vertical component (Fy1) will be 0N.
For the second force F2, since it is northeast, we can break it down into horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component (Fx2) can be found using the cosine of the angle between the force and the east direction. The vertical component (Fy2) can be found using the sine of the angle.

To find Fx2:
Fx2 = F2 * cos(45°) = 4500N * cos(45°) ≈ 3182N

To find Fy2:
Fy2 = F2 * sin(45°) = 4500N * sin(45°) ≈ 3182N

Step 3: Add the horizontal and vertical components independently.
To find the resulting horizontal force (Rx), add the horizontal components of both forces:
Rx = Fx1 + Fx2 = 4000N + 3182N ≈ 7182N (since they are in the same direction)

To find the resulting vertical force (Ry), add the vertical components of both forces:
Ry = Fy1 + Fy2 = 0N + 3182N = 3182N

Step 4: Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the resulting force (R) and the angle from the east (θ).
Now that we have the horizontal component (Rx) and the vertical component (Ry), we can find the resulting force (R) using the Pythagorean theorem:
R = sqrt(Rx^2 + Ry^2)

R = sqrt(7182N^2 + 3182N^2) ≈ sqrt(51591324N^2) ≈ 7185N (since R is positive)

To find the angle from the east (θ), we can use the inverse tangent function:
θ = arctan(Ry / Rx)

θ = arctan(3182N / 7182N) ≈ 23.89°

Therefore, the resulting force is approximately 7185N, and the angle from the east is approximately 23.89°.