Cefalexin was developed through medical biotechnology. It kills disease-causing organisms by preventing them from developing a cell wall. Which term or terms best describes cefalexin? (1 point)


weakened virus



1. antibiotic

2. genetic engineering
3. Goat genes were modified to produce silk in goatโ€™s milk.
4. environmental
5. by increasing production of goods

yw since nobody could help me ๐Ÿ˜

Thanks Citrus!!

1. antibiotic

2. genetic engineering
3. Goat genes were modified to produce silk in goatโ€™s milk.
4. environmental
5. by increasing production of goods

tysm Citrus 100%

Im so sorry citrus...I hope you better luck later on, but thank you for the answers hope your doing well.

Thank you so so much citrus
