A store owner wants to prepare 100 lb of a candy mix that she will sell for $1.36 per lb. She mixes 20 lb of jelly beans that cost 20 cents per lb with sugar candies. How much does 1 lb of sugar candies cost?

Thanks besties. WHoever is suffering from the case of rsm, your not alone

I solved it its 1.65$, not 136.00

yes rsm is pain

Although 136.00 is wrong

i h8 rsm with a burning passion which is why i have no idea whats going on half the time & use brainly for hw.

It is also a waist of time

I personally LOVE math, it’s just that RSM makes it so much boring

RSM is torture

Literally me searching up answers so that my mom gives me back my phone cus i did not finish my algebra homework haha. lol

cost of sugar candies ---- x cents/pound

so :
20(20) + 80(x) = 100(136)
400 + 80x = 13600
80x = 13200
x = 165 cents or $1.65

20 lbs at 20 cents = 400 cents or $4.00
80 lbs at 1.65 = $132.00 , for a total of $136.00
selling price : 100 lbs at 1.36 = $136.00