An iPad cost 2/7 less than a laptop. During a sale, the iPad was reduced by $155 while the laptop was reduced by $235. After the reduction, the ratio of the cost of the iPad to the cost of the laptop was 8:11. What was the original cost of the iPad?

cost of laptop --- x

cost of IPad = 5/7 x

after sale:
cost of laptop = x-235
cost of Ipad = 5x/7 - 155

Ipad : laptop = 8 : 11
(5x/7 - 188) / (x - 235) = 8/11
11(5x/7 - 188) = 8(x - 235)
55x/7 - 2068 = 8x - 1880
(-1/7)x = 188
x is negative

something wrong , perhaps it is my interpretation of "costs 2/7 less than a laptop". To me that meant that the Ipad costs 5/7 of the laptop.