How does Mia’s understanding of Lupe change over time? (1 point)

a. Mia realized they both wanted a dog and a trampoline
b. Mia learned Lupe created stories to cover up part of her life, just like Mia.
c. Luna warned her to stay away from Jason.
d. Lupe helped her write her narrative for English, which Mia did well on.

pls help lol

You should probably read the book so you can get the answer cause it is asking about the characters of the book no?

i cant find that book an dhave no idea whats going on

but it aint c

To determine how Mia's understanding of Lupe changes over time, we need to analyze the given options and evaluate which one best represents an evolving understanding between Mia and Lupe.

a. Mia realized they both wanted a dog and a trampoline: This option suggests that Mia and Lupe share some common interests, but it doesn't indicate a significant change in Mia's understanding of Lupe.

b. Mia learned Lupe created stories to cover up part of her life, just like Mia: This option suggests that Mia discovers Lupe's tendency to conceal certain aspects of her life by fabricating stories. This implies a deeper understanding of Lupe's character and an identification with her own experiences, indicating a change in Mia's perception of Lupe.

c. Luna warned her to stay away from Jason: This option doesn't relate directly to Mia's understanding of Lupe but rather involves another character, Luna. Therefore, it doesn't represent a change in Mia's perception of Lupe.

d. Lupe helped her write her narrative for English, which Mia did well on: This option highlights Lupe's assistance with Mia's English narrative, which indicates a positive interaction between them but doesn't depict a transformative shift in Mia's understanding of Lupe.

Based on the analysis, option b. "Mia learned Lupe created stories to cover up part of her life, just like Mia" best represents Mia's evolving understanding of Lupe over time.

Who are Mia and Lupe? Lack data.