what will be the local time in Nigeria longitude 15°E when it is at Ethiopian Longitude 45°E with formula and solution


a complete circle is 360°

one rotation of the earth is 24 hours
so, each hour spans 15°
Now see what you can do.

To calculate the local time in Nigeria when it is at Ethiopian longitude, we need to take into account the time difference between the two longitudes.

The formula to calculate the time difference between two longitudes is:

Time Difference = (Longitude Difference / 15) * 1 hour

First, let's determine the longitude difference between Nigeria (15°E) and Ethiopia (45°E):

Longitude Difference = 45°E - 15°E = 30°

Now, let's plug in this value into the formula:

Time Difference = (30° / 15) * 1 hour
= 2 hours

This means that there is a time difference of 2 hours between Nigeria and Ethiopia.

To find the local time in Nigeria when it is at Ethiopian longitude:

1. Check the current local time in Ethiopia.
2. Add 2 hours to the Ethiopian local time to get the local time in Nigeria.

For example, if the current local time in Ethiopia is 12:00 PM, adding 2 hours would give us the local time in Nigeria, which is 2:00 PM.

Therefore, when it is at Ethiopian longitude 45°E, the local time in Nigeria will be 2:00 PM.

It's important to note that this calculation assumes both Nigeria and Ethiopia are in the same time zone and do not have any daylight saving adjustments.