Population and ecosystems online practice


1. how could wildfire immediately impact competition in a forest ecosystem
2. two prides of lions compete with one another for the same prey (antelope). which scenario would cause a decrease in completion?

(answers to 1-12)

I’ll help you guys <3

1. C / competition would remain the same. Wildfire would increase the scarcity of resource and decrease individuals competing , effectively balancing each other out.✅

2. D / a disease kills individuals from the lion population✅

3. D / grassland✅

4. D / 10 ✅

5. D / corals become more susceptible to disease✅

6. C / decreased growth✅

7. B / they decrease the population by preventing organic material from entering the soil✅

8. C / decomposers✅

9. B / nutrient pollution✅

10. B / conservation efforts by hunters✅

11. A / claim✅

12. A / evidence✅

I promise these are the right answers :)

kailianna is mad wrong

Lebron Is Outdated Go Somewhere Else For Answers


There is a check answer thingy at the bottom right under answer D. Pick anything and click check answer until you get the right answer.

Correct answer man u wrong with all but 1

they switch up the answears

abt to do the population and ecosystem online practice, ill lyk

Don't Ya'll know that the answer numbers are different, instead of putting the letters put the whole answer!

THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! GUYS SHE/HE IS RIGHT :) u helped me alot. thank you 🙏🙏🙏