Which interaction between magnets demonstrates the greatest change in kinetic energy?(1 point)

a. Two attracting magnets are released while moving towards one another.

b. Two large repelling magnets hold each other in place.

c. Two attracting magnets are released while moving away from one another.

d. Two attracting magnets are released while moving away from one another.

Are you in texas connection academy?

its c

The "***" is my answer

1.A person pushes a box. He applies a force of 400 newtons, and he pushes the box for a distance of 4 meters. After he stops pushing, the box slides forward another meter. How much work was done by the person?

A. 400 joules
B. 1600 joules***
C. 2000 joules
D. 100 joules

2.In this pulley system, the pulleys will _____ the mechanical force required to lift the block and will change the _____.

A. decrease; direction of the force
B. increase; direction of force***
C. increase; weight of the block
D. decrease; weight of the block

3.Which list correctly orders effort (E), fulcrum (F), and load (L) for each lever class?

A. class 1 = F, L, E (or E, L, F)
class 2 = F, E, L(or L, E, F
class 3 = L, F, E (or E, F, L

B. class 1 = L, F, E (or E, F, L ***
class 2 = F, L, E (or E, L, F
class 3 = L, E, L (or L, E, L

C. class 1 = F, E, L (or L, E, F
class 2 = L, F, E (or E, F, L
class 3 = F, L, E (or E, L, F

D. class 1 = F, E, L (or L, E, F
class 2 = F, L, E (or E, L, F
class 3 = L, F, E (or E, F, L

4. How do simple machines make work easier?

a. they decrease the distance needed between a person and an object, allowing the person to apply more force and do more work

b. they reduce the amount of force needed to move an
object to do the same amount of work ***

c. they magnify the force being applied, thereby decreasing the work they can do with no extra energy exerted by the person using the machine

d. they increase the distance over which a force is needed, doing more work with less force

5. A person using a lever applies 98 Newtons to lift a 20-kilogram box. They apply the force over a distance of 4 meters to lift the box a distance of 2 meters. How much work is done?
A. 392 joules
B. 40 joules
C. 80 joules
D. 196 joules***

6. A person is lifting a heavy box using a lever. What is the purpose of the lever in this situation?

A. to reduce the energy needed to lift the box while keeping the direction of the force the same

B. to reduce the energy needed to life the box and change the direction of the force ***

c. to reduce the force needed to life the box while keeping the direction of the force the same

d. to reduce the force needed to lift the box and change the direction of the force

7. Use the image of a person lifting a boulder with a lever to answer the question.

Where is the fulcrum in this situation?

A. it is the point where the boulder touches the ground. ***

B. it is the point where the person's hand pushes down of the bar

C. it is the point where the bar touches the boulder.

D. it is the point where the bar touches the smaller rock

8. In which situation did the car achieve the greatest efficiency? (Assume the cars all have the same mass.)

A. a car that traveled 80 kilometers on 5.0 liters of gas ***

B. a car that traveled 70 kilometers on 5.0 liters of gas

c. a car that traveled 90 kilometers on 6.0 liters of gas

d. a car that traveled 50 kilometers on 4.0 liters of gas

9. Use the table

machine output work input work
a 750 1500
b 1000 4000
c 450 600
d 3000 5000

Which machine has the highest efficiency?

A. machine b ***
B. machine c
C. machine a
D. machine d

Please check

connexus Force and work unit test

In order to determine the greatest change in kinetic energy, we need to consider how the objects involved are initially moving and how they will be influenced by the interaction between magnets.

a. Two attracting magnets released while moving towards one another: In this scenario, the magnets are initially moving towards each other due to some external force. As they approach each other, the magnetic force of attraction will slow down and eventually stop their motion. The change in kinetic energy will be from initial motion to zero, which is a significant change.

b. Two large repelling magnets hold each other in place: In this scenario, the magnets are in a state of equilibrium when they are placed in close proximity, with the repelling forces balancing each other. Although there is a repelling force acting between the magnets, they are already motionless and no change in kinetic energy occurs.

c. Two attracting magnets released while moving away from one another: In this scenario, the magnets are initially moving away from each other due to some external force. As they move away, the magnetic force of attraction will slow down their motion until they eventually stop. The change in kinetic energy will be from initial motion to zero, similar to scenario a.

d. Two attracting magnets released while moving away from one another: This scenario is the same as scenario c. The magnets are initially moving away from each other, and the magnetic force of attraction will slow down their motion until they stop. The change in kinetic energy will also be from initial motion to zero.

Comparing scenarios a, c, and d, it can be observed that the greatest change in kinetic energy occurs in scenario a, where two attracting magnets are released while moving towards each other.