John makes $400 per week. What does it mean for him to get a 150% salary raise? Explain in words and then give an example showing a calculation.

It says the raise is 150% so the raise is 1.5 times his present salary.

new salary = 400 + 600 = 1000

If it has been: his new salary is 150% of the old salary, then his new
salary would have been 150% of 400 = 1.5(400) = 600

The wording in these king of problems is often confusing.

e.g. suppose the new salary is 600, the raise was 200
and the percentage is 200/400 = 1/2 or 50%, so he got a 50% raise

suppose the new salary is 1000, so the raise was 600
and the percentage is 600/400 = 1.5 = 150%, so he got a 150% raise

I will let y’all know if her answer works remember do NOT plagiarism this your teacher will know. Give me a few to finish the test and I’ll give y’all all the answers thank you!

When John gets a 150% salary raise, it means that his salary will be increased by 150% of his current salary. In other words, his new salary will be his current salary plus 150% of his current salary.

To calculate John's new salary with a 150% raise, you can multiply his current salary by 1.5 and add it to his current salary.

Example calculation:
John's current salary: $400 per week
150% of John's current salary: 1.5 * $400 = $600
New salary with 150% raise: $400 + $600 = $1000 per week

Therefore, John's new salary with a 150% raise would be $1000 per week.

A 150% salary raise means that John's salary will be increased by 150% of his current salary. To understand what this increase means in terms of his new salary, we need to calculate the amount.

To calculate the new salary after a 150% raise, we need to find 150% of John's current salary and add it to his current salary.

New Salary = Current Salary + (150% of Current Salary)

Now, let's calculate John's new salary using the given information that he earns $400 per week:

Step 1: Calculate 150% of John's current salary:
150% of $400 = (150/100) * $400 = $600

Step 2: Add the result from Step 1 to John's current salary:
New Salary = $400 + $600 = $1000

Therefore, after a 150% salary raise, John's new salary will be $1000 per week.

Example Calculation:

If John's current salary is $400 per week, let's calculate his new salary after a 150% raise.

New Salary = $400 + (150% of $400)
= $400 + ($600)
= $1000

So, John's new salary will be $1000 per week after a 150% salary raise.