In this chart, write phrases and passages that are typical of autobiographies. then identify the characteristics the passage shows.

To identify phrases and passages that are typical of autobiographies and determine the characteristics they exhibit, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the Definition: Autobiographies are written accounts of a person's life, generally in a narrative form. They often describe personal experiences, reflections, and memories.

2. Analyze the Chart: Examine the chart provided to identify potential phrases and passages that are likely to be found in autobiographies. Look for sections that discuss the author's life events, emotions, thoughts, and personal insights.

For instance, you may find phrases or passages such as:

- "I was born on a small farm in rural America, surrounded by endless fields."
Characteristic: Introduction of the author's early life and background.

- "In my childhood, I faced numerous hardships that shaped my character and resilience."
Characteristic: Recounting early life challenges and their impact on personal growth.

- "As a teenager, I embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery and rebellion."
Characteristic: Describing periods of personal exploration and self-identity development.

- "Throughout my adulthood, I pursued my passion for art and found solace in its expression."
Characteristic: Discussing the author's chosen career path and personal fulfillment.

- "My struggles with addiction served as a turning point in my life, leading to eventual recovery."
Characteristic: Exploring significant life events like overcoming personal obstacles.

3. Note the Characteristics: After identifying the phrases and passages, determine the characteristics they represent. Some common characteristics of autobiographies include:

- First-person perspective: Autobiographies are generally narrated by the author themselves, using "I" or "me."
- Personal reflections: They often contain the author's emotions, thoughts, and personal insights related to their life events.
- Chronological order: Autobiographies usually follow a chronological structure, starting from early life events and progressing through major milestones.
- Self-exploration and growth: They delve into the author's self-discovery, personal development, and lessons learned.
- Themes of resilience and overcoming challenges: Autobiographies often highlight how the author faced and overcame difficulties throughout their life.

By following these steps, you can identify and understand the typical phrases and passages found in autobiographies, along with the characteristics they exhibit.