Can you do this in order from least to the greatest it is 3/4, 0.755, 76.6percent , 19/25, and 0.08

Answer giver:) please help me~!

3/4 = 0.750

76.6% = 0.766
19/25 = 0.760
now order them

Sure! Let's arrange the given numbers from least to greatest:

1. 0.08
2. 3/4
3. 0.755
4. 19/25
5. 76.6 percent

So, the numbers in ascending order are: 0.08, 3/4, 0.755, 19/25, and 76.6 percent.

To order these numbers from least to greatest, we need to compare their values. However, we have a mix of fractions, decimals, and percentages. Let's convert them all to a common format, such as decimals, and then we can easily compare them.

First, let's convert the given fractions to decimals:
3/4 = 0.75
19/25 = 0.76

Now, let's convert the given percentage to a decimal:
76.6 percent = 76.6/100 = 0.766

Now, we can compare the decimals without any complications:
0.08 < 0.75 < 0.755 < 0.766 < 76.6 percent

Therefore, arranging these numbers from least to greatest, we have:
0.08, 0.75, 0.755, 0.766, 76.6 percent