we know:

|A|=64.7686 , A=(x2-x1,y2-y1), Theta=135 degree
vector directions B and C are unknown but all vector magnitudes are known.
also we know vector A components, and angle , if solution A+B+C=0,
how ve calculate components of A , B and angles.
Thank You Very Much.

consider the circles

A: x^2+y^2 = 64.7686^2
B: (x+45.8)^2 + (y-45.8)^2 = 50^2
C: x^2+y^2 = 80^2
A+B lies on the intersection of circles B and C
so C = -8.87i + 79.51j
and B = C-A = (-8.87+45.8)i + (79.51-45.8) = 36.93i + 33.71i
You can figure the angles of B and C, I assume: tanθ = y/x

Thank you for quick response.

Yes, This is solution.I understand.Thanks again.
But, please download for "Kinematic analysis and synthesis of four-bar mechanisms for strai.pdf"
(here i write the link, but not allowed)
my question is at page 30, eq5.3 and 5.4
what is there (Cu X k) , how we find k?
what is the eq 5.1 and 5.2?
i would prefer a visual basic code for these two equations if possible.

No needs, Thanks.

To calculate the components of vectors A and B, as well as the angles involved, we will use the given information.

Let's start with vector A:
1. Given |A| = 64.7686, we know the magnitude of vector A.

2. Also given that A = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1), we can determine the components of vector A by finding the differences of the corresponding coordinates.

Now, let's calculate the components of vector A:
Let's assume the initial point of vector A is (x1, y1) and the terminal point is (x2, y2).

Component along the x-axis (Ax):
Ax = x2 - x1

Component along the y-axis (Ay):
Ay = y2 - y1

Now that we have the components of vector A, let's move on to vector B and vector C.

We already know the magnitudes of vectors B and C, which are |B| = 50 and |C| = 80. However, the directions of vectors B and C are unknown.

Since the sum of vectors A, B, and C is zero (A + B + C = 0), we know that the vectors form a closed triangle.

To find the components of vectors B and C, we need to determine their directions or angles relative to vector A.

Given that the specific angle θ = 135 degrees, we can conclude that this is the angle between vectors A and B.

To solve for the components of vectors B and C, we can use trigonometry. Here's how:

For vector B:
1. We know the magnitude of vector B, which is |B| = 50.

2. Since θ = 135 degrees, we can use the angle and the known magnitude to find the components of vector B.

Component along the x-axis (Bx):
Bx = |B| * cos(θ)

Component along the y-axis (By):
By = |B| * sin(θ)

Similarly, for vector C:
1. We know the magnitude of vector C, which is |C| = 80.

2. We still need the angle between vectors A and C to determine the components of vector C.

Once you have the angle between vectors A and C, you can follow the same steps as above to find the components of vector C.

Overall, the steps to calculate the components of vectors A, B, and C, along with the corresponding angles, are as follows:

1. Find the components of vector A using the given coordinates.

2. Use known information such as vector magnitudes and angles to determine the components of vectors B and C using trigonometry.

Remember to substitute the values of magnitude and angles into the appropriate trigonometric functions (cosine and sine) to obtain the x and y components of each vector.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.