Match the terms to their definitions.

1- Francisco (Pancho) Villa
2- Francisco Madero
3- Emiliano Zapata
definition 1-
a political reformer who challenged and successfully removed dictator Porfirio Diaz from office and assumed the role of Mexico’s president in 1911 until his assassination two years later

definition 2-
a Mexican revolutionary leader who aided Francisco Madero’s revolt against Mexican president Porfirio Diaz and later may have led a raid in Columbus, New Mexico

definition 3-
a leader in the Mexican revolution who led the peasant farmers against the Mexican government under Francisco Madero and later Victoriano Huerta and Venustiano Carranza

I think definition 3 goes to #3, definition 2 goes to #1, and definition 1 goes to #2

I just took the test and their all correct my theory was right than

To match the terms to their definitions, we can look at the descriptions given for each term and try to identify which description matches with each term.

1- Francisco (Pancho) Villa:
Based on the descriptions, Francisco Villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader who aided Francisco Madero's revolt against Mexican president Porfirio Diaz and later may have led a raid in Columbus, New Mexico. So, Francisco Villa matches with definition 2.

2- Francisco Madero:
Based on the descriptions, Francisco Madero was a political reformer who challenged and successfully removed dictator Porfirio Diaz from office and assumed the role of Mexico's president in 1911 until his assassination two years later. So, Francisco Madero matches with definition 1.

3- Emiliano Zapata:
Based on the descriptions, Emiliano Zapata was a leader in the Mexican revolution who led the peasant farmers against the Mexican government under Francisco Madero and later Victoriano Huerta and Venustiano Carranza. So, Emiliano Zapata matches with definition 3.

Therefore, the matching terms and their definitions are:
1- Francisco (Pancho) Villa: definition 2
2- Francisco Madero: definition 1
3- Emiliano Zapata: definition 3

good job you finally did something