Can please can someone check my work before I submit it, please!!!!!

1. How does an author show the development of a character in a story? - by showing how the characters respond to different events in the story

2. At what point in the story does the reader get a clear idea of who the characters are becoming? - when the main problem arises

3. Which option describes what can be analyzed about characters beyond what they think, feel, say, and do that tells us more about them? - their motivations

4. Which scenario shows how a character changed? - Shocked by the devastating bush fires in Australia, Joseph chose to overcome his fear of animals to help at one of the local shelters !

ur correct

you are right

Sure! I'd be happy to check your work for you.

1. How does an author show the development of a character in a story? - by showing how the characters respond to different events in the story.

This is correct! Authors often show the development of a character by depicting how they react and respond to the events and challenges they encounter throughout the story. It allows readers to see how the character grows and changes over time.

2. At what point in the story does the reader get a clear idea of who the characters are becoming? - when the main problem arises.

This is a good answer! The main problem or conflict in a story often serves as a turning point where the characters' true personalities, motivations, and growth become more apparent to the reader. It is at this point that the characters' development becomes clearer.

3. Which option describes what can be analyzed about characters beyond what they think, feel, say, and do that tells us more about them? - their motivations.

Excellent choice! Analyzing a character's motivations can reveal deeper insights about them beyond just their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Understanding their underlying motivations can provide a deeper understanding of their character and the choices they make.

4. Which scenario shows how a character changed? - Shocked by the devastating bush fires in Australia, Joseph chose to overcome his fear of animals to help at one of the local shelters!

Great job! This scenario demonstrates a character's change. Joseph's decision to overcome his fear of animals and help at the local shelter after being shocked by the bush fires shows growth and development. It signifies a change in his attitudes, fears, and actions, which indicates a transformation in his character.

Overall, your answers look good! You have a solid understanding of how authors show character development through their responses to events, the point in the story where character development becomes clearer, what can be analyzed beyond their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, and how a character can change. Well done!

Without seeing all choices for each question, it’s impossible to tell for sure.

However, I think your choice for 2 is probably incorrect.