Jake rode his bike 18 miles on his bike in 45 minutes how far can he bike in 2 hours

x/120 = 18/45


To calculate how far Jake can bike in 2 hours, we need to determine his average speed in miles per hour and then multiply it by the duration of 2 hours.

First, let's convert 45 minutes to hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 45 minutes is equal to 45/60 = 0.75 hours.

Jake rode 18 miles in 0.75 hours, so his average speed is 18 miles divided by 0.75 hours, which is 24 miles per hour.

Now, we can calculate how far he can bike in 2 hours. Multiplying his average speed of 24 miles per hour by 2 hours gives us:

Distance = Average speed × Duration
Distance = 24 miles/hour × 2 hours
Distance = 48 miles

Therefore, Jake can bike approximately 48 miles in 2 hours.

To determine how far Jake can bike in 2 hours, we first need to find his biking speed. We can calculate it by dividing the distance he biked by the time it took.

Jake's biking speed can be calculated as:

Biking speed = Distance / Time

Given that Jake rode 18 miles in 45 minutes, we can substitute these values into the equation:

Biking speed = 18 miles / 45 minutes

Next, we need to convert the time to hours since we want to calculate the distance he can bike in 2 hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so we divide the minutes by 60 to convert them to hours.

45 minutes = 45 / 60 = 0.75 hours

Now we can calculate the biking speed:

Biking speed = 18 miles / 0.75 hours

Biking speed = 24 miles per hour

Finally, we can find how far Jake can bike in 2 hours by multiplying his biking speed by the time:

Distance = Biking speed * Time

Distance = 24 miles per hour * 2 hours

Distance = 48 miles

Therefore, Jake can bike approximately 48 miles in 2 hours.