The distance between two successive crest of a water wave travelling at 3.6 is 0.45. Calculate the frequency of the wave

v = 3.6 furlongs / light year

d = 0.45 furlongs
T = period = 0.45 / 3.6 = 0.125 light years
f = 1/T = 8 waves / light year
If you are studying Physics, use units.

To calculate the frequency of the wave, you can use the formula:

frequency (f) = wave speed (v) / wavelength (λ)

Given that the wave speed is 3.6 m/s (meters per second) and the wavelength is 0.45 m (meters), you can substitute these values into the formula:

f = 3.6 m/s / 0.45 m

Simplifying this equation:

f = 8 Hz

So, the frequency of the wave is 8 Hz (hertz).

To calculate the frequency of a wave, you need to know the speed of the wave, as well as the distance between two successive crests.

The formula to calculate frequency is:

Frequency = Speed / Wavelength

- Frequency is the number of wave cycles per second, measured in Hertz (Hz).
- Speed is the speed of the wave, measured in meters per second (m/s).
- Wavelength is the distance between two successive crests, measured in meters (m).

In this case, you are given the speed of the wave, which is 3.6 m/s, and the distance between two successive crests, which is 0.45 m.

Therefore, you can calculate the frequency as follows:

Frequency = 3.6 m/s / 0.45 m

Frequency = 8 Hz

So, the frequency of the wave is 8 Hz.

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