A bathtub is filling with water at a rate of 60 liters per minute.

To understand how long it will take for the bathtub to fill completely, we need to know the capacity of the bathtub. Do you know the capacity of the bathtub in liters?

To find out how much water will be in the bathtub after a certain amount of time, you can use the formula:

Amount of water = Rate of filling × Time

Rate of filling = 60 liters per minute

Let's say you want to find out how much water will be in the bathtub after 10 minutes.

Plug the values into the formula:
Amount of water = 60 liters per minute × 10 minutes

Amount of water = 600 liters

Therefore, after 10 minutes, the bathtub will be filled with 600 liters of water.

Make sure it doesn't overflow