Which is an example of chemical energy transformed to light energy?(1 point)

A. burning wood in a fireplace

B. using a battery to turn on a toy

C. television turning on

D. solar panels powering a home

I think it’s C ;)

yeah, you already said that. why repeat yourself?

Because I accidentally lost my page and couldn’t find it hehe 😅

ok if u want all the responses welp here they are (These are only for Conexus students)

1) C
2) D
3) C
hope this helps, peace out.

I got it

1: chemical, electrical, light
2 electrical energy
3: burning wood in a fireplace
You're welcome

Lloyd from Ninjago is hot is right!!!

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option and the energy transformations involved:

A. Burning wood in a fireplace: In this case, the chemical energy stored in the wood is being transformed into heat and light energy. However, the question specifically asks for an example of chemical energy transformed into light energy, so this option does not fully fit the criteria.

B. Using a battery to turn on a toy: The battery contains chemical energy, which is transformed into electrical energy. The toy then uses this electrical energy to produce light energy, among other forms of energy. This option does involve the transformation of chemical energy into light energy, making it a potential correct answer.

C. Television turning on: Although turning on a television does involve energy transformations, it does not directly relate to the transformation of chemical energy into light energy. The television operates using electrical energy, which is converted into sound and light energy to display images and produce sound. Therefore, this option does not fit the criteria asked in the question.

D. Solar panels powering a home: Solar panels convert sunlight (solar energy) into electricity through a photovoltaic process. While this option involves the conversion of one form of energy (light energy) into another (electrical energy), it is not an example of chemical energy transforming into light energy as specified in the question.

Given the analysis, option B, "using a battery to turn on a toy," seems to be the best fit as it involves the transformation of chemical energy from the battery into light energy emitted by the toy.