drag and drop the characteristics to the correct group of people life as a peasent life as a vassal

Life of a peasant: lived and worked on a manor, worked the lords land.

Life of a vassal: received a fief in exchange for service, served the lord in battle
100℅ right I just took it on my fish life its right (:

I don't know any of them

Thank you SO SO MUCH<3

To drag and drop characteristics to the correct group of people (peasant or vassal) regarding their lives, follow these steps:

1. Identify the characteristics that can be associated with life as a peasant.
- Examples:
- Engaged in farming and agriculture
- Lived in small, simple cottages or huts
- Worked on the land belonging to the lord
- Had limited rights and freedoms
- Paid taxes or rent to the lord
- Dependent on the lord for protection

2. Identify the characteristics that can be associated with life as a vassal.
- Examples:
- Held a higher social status than peasants
- Had a formal agreement (vassalage) with a lord or monarch
- Provided military service to the lord in exchange for land or privileges
- Lived in more substantial houses within the lord's estate or castle
- Had some degree of political power and influence
- Owed loyalty and obedience to the lord

3. Drag and drop the characteristics to the corresponding group:

Life as a peasant:
- Engaged in farming and agriculture
- Lived in small, simple cottages or huts
- Worked on the land belonging to the lord
- Had limited rights and freedoms
- Paid taxes or rent to the lord
- Dependent on the lord for protection

Life as a vassal:
- Held a higher social status than peasants
- Had a formal agreement (vassalage) with a lord or monarch
- Provided military service to the lord in exchange for land or privileges
- Lived in more substantial houses within the lord's estate or castle
- Had some degree of political power and influence
- Owed loyalty and obedience to the lord

By following these steps, you can accurately distinguish the characteristics of life as a peasant and life as a vassal, and organize them accordingly.