Which is an example of a space spin-off?

A. new lightweight blankets developed in the space program

B. roads and other infrastructure built for the space program

C. the spaceflight programs in the state of Florida

D. money spent at hotels and businesses by tourists visiting the Kennedy Space Center

To determine which option is an example of a space spin-off, we need to understand what is meant by a space spin-off. A space spin-off refers to any technology, product, or application that is derived from, adapted from, or directly related to a space program. These are innovations that initially originated from the needs of space exploration but have found applications in various other industries and everyday life.

Now, let's analyze each option:

A. New lightweight blankets developed in the space program: This could be a potential example of a space spin-off. The development of lightweight materials for use in spacecraft can lead to advancements in insulation and other industries.

B. Roads and other infrastructure built for the space program: This option seems unlikely to be a space spin-off. While infrastructure may be necessary to support space programs, the direct application outside of the space industry is limited.

C. The spaceflight programs in the state of Florida: This option does not seem to be a space spin-off. The existence of spaceflight programs in Florida does not necessarily imply any direct technological or commercial spin-off.

D. Money spent at hotels and businesses by tourists visiting the Kennedy Space Center: This option is not a space spin-off. While tourism can benefit from space programs, it does not involve the development of technology or applications that can be considered spin-offs.

Based on this analysis, option A, new lightweight blankets developed in the space program, is the most likely example of a space spin-off.