Look at the timeline of a span of European history.


now what?
These rubbish questions with no context are so annoying.

Sure! Please specify the span of European history you would like me to focus on. European history spans a vast timeline ranging from ancient times to the present day. For a more detailed response, it would be helpful if you could provide a specific time period or event you are interested in.

To look at a timeline of a span of European history, you have several options:

1. Online databases and resources: Websites like Britannica, History.com, and other reputable historical sources provide interactive timelines that cover different periods of European history. These resources often include significant events, key figures, major wars, cultural movements, and other important developments.

2. History books and textbooks: Traditional printed history books and textbooks often include timelines at the beginning or end of each chapter or as standalone sections. These timelines provide an overview of events in a chronological order and can be a helpful reference.

3. Museums and historical exhibitions: Some museums and historical exhibitions display physical or digital timelines that showcase significant events and artifacts related to a particular period of European history. Visiting such institutions can provide a visual and immersive experience of the timeline.

4. Academic research and scholarly articles: If you're looking for a more in-depth analysis of a specific period, academic research and scholarly articles can be a valuable resource. Online databases and journals like JSTOR and Google Scholar provide access to numerous research papers and articles on European history.

In all cases, it's best to specify the exact time span or period of European history you are interested in to find the most relevant information.