in a survey, 35% of respondents said they felt a penalty was too lenient and 20% felt it was too harsh. if there were 1200 respondents. how many felt the penalty was appropriate

20+30 = 55

so, 45% felt it was ok
0.45 * 1200 = ____

Well, it seems like 45% of the respondents couldn't make up their minds! But let's do some math to find out how many felt the penalty was appropriate.

We know that 35% felt the penalty was too lenient and 20% felt it was too harsh. So, that means 35% + 20% = 55% of the respondents had strong opinions about the penalty.

Since 1200 respondents were surveyed, we can calculate the number of people who felt the penalty was appropriate by subtracting the percentage with strong opinions from 100% and then finding that percentage of the total respondents.

100% - 55% = 45% of the respondents who probably found the penalty appropriate.

Now, to find out how many people that represents, we multiply 45% by 1200:

45% * 1200 = 540 respondents.

Ta-da! Approximately 540 respondents felt that the penalty was appropriate.

To determine the number of respondents who felt the penalty was appropriate, we need to subtract the percentages of those who felt it was too lenient and too harsh from the total number of respondents.

Given that there were 1200 respondents:
35% felt the penalty was too lenient, which is equal to 35/100 * 1200 = 420 respondents.
20% felt the penalty was too harsh, which is equal to 20/100 * 1200 = 240 respondents.

To find the number of respondents who felt the penalty was appropriate, we subtract these two values from the total number of respondents:
Total respondents - (Too lenient + Too harsh)
1200 - (420 + 240)
1200 - 660
540 respondents felt the penalty was appropriate.

Therefore, 540 respondents felt the penalty was appropriate.

To find out how many respondents felt the penalty was appropriate, we need to subtract the percentages of those who felt it was too lenient and too harsh from 100%.

First, let's calculate the number of respondents who felt the penalty was too lenient:

Percentage who felt penalty was too lenient = 35%
Number of respondents who felt penalty was too lenient = 35/100 * 1200 = 420

Next, let's calculate the number of respondents who felt the penalty was too harsh:

Percentage who felt penalty was too harsh = 20%
Number of respondents who felt penalty was too harsh = 20/100 * 1200 = 240

Now, to find the number of respondents who felt the penalty was appropriate:

Number who felt penalty was appropriate = Total respondents - Number who felt penalty was too lenient - Number who felt penalty was too harsh
Number who felt penalty was appropriate = 1200 - 420 - 240 = 540

Therefore, 540 respondents felt the penalty was appropriate.