Brian ate 5 pieces of pie. The pie was cut into 666 equal size pieces.

What fraction of the pie did Brian eat?

what's the answer

he would have 661/666 left?

The question was : What fraction of the pie did Brian eat?

he ate 5 pieces of the 666 pieces

so he ate 5/666 of the pie.

To determine the fraction of the pie that Brian ate, we need to calculate the ratio of the number of pieces of pie he ate to the total number of pieces.

To begin, we know that Brian ate 5 pieces of pie. The pie was cut into 666 equal-sized pieces.

So, to find the fraction, we divide the number of pieces Brian ate (5) by the total number of pieces (666):

Fraction = Number of pieces Brian ate / Total number of pieces

Fraction = 5 / 666

Using a calculator, we can simplify this fraction further if desired, but in this case, let's leave it as the ratio 5/666.

Therefore, the fraction of the pie that Brian ate is 5/666.