The Elements Of Art Quiz

5. Value
9. Positive/Negative Space
I got the others wrong soooo yeah

No problem! Let's break down how to find the answers for the remaining questions:

5. Value: Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. To find information about value, you can try searching for resources such as art textbooks, art websites, or online art glossaries. Look for definitions and descriptions that explain value in the context of the elements of art. You can also search for examples of artworks that demonstrate the use of value or explore tutorials and lessons on shading techniques.

9. Positive/Negative Space: Positive space refers to the main subject or objects in a composition, while negative space refers to the empty or background spaces around and between objects. To find information about positive and negative space, you can try searching for art resources that discuss or teach the principles of composition or design. Look for explanations and visual examples that demonstrate the concept of positive and negative space in artworks. Additionally, there are online exercises and interactive tools available that can help you understand and practice identifying positive and negative space.

Remember, searching for reliable sources and taking the time to read and understand the information will help you grasp the concepts more effectively. Good luck with your quiz!