A five letter word that begins with the letter a the fourth letter begins with the letter E

To find a five-letter word that begins with the letter "A" and has the fourth letter starting with the letter "E," we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the letter "A."
Step 2: Determine the fourth letter to be "E."
Step 3: Fill in the remaining letters with any suitable ones.

Considering these steps, a word that fits the given criteria is "Amend."

To find a five-letter word that begins with the letter "a" and has its fourth letter starting with the letter "e," we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with a list of five-letter words beginning with the letter "a." Some examples are "apple," "adore," "angry," and "argue."

Step 2: Identify the words that have the fourth letter starting with the letter "e." In this case, it narrows down the options.

Step 3: After checking the list, we find that the word "angry" matches the criteria. It starts with "a" and has "e" as the fourth letter.

Therefore, the five-letter word that begins with the letter "a," and its fourth letter starts with "e" is "angry."