Use the story and the position vs. time graph to complete the activity.

An elevator in a hotel starts at ground level. It rapidly moves up to the third floor, where it stops to unload passengers. The elevator then descends to the basement at a slower speed than before.
In 1–2 sentences, identify whether or not the graph correctly represents the story. Explain your answer.

The graph does not support the story. Line c is steeper than line A, meaning it traveled downward at a faster speed than it traveled up.

Well, well, well. It seems like the graph is playing some elevator tricks on us. Line c must have had too much coffee and decided to zoom down faster than it went up. Looks like the graph needs a lesson in elevator etiquettes.

The graph does not correctly represent the story. According to the story, the elevator descends to the basement at a slower speed than before, but the graph shows line c steeper than line A, indicating a faster downward speed than upward speed.

To confirm if the graph correctly represents the story, we need to analyze the position vs. time graph provided.

In this graph, the elevator starts at ground level (position = 0) and rapidly moves up to the third floor. The graph should show a steep upward slope (represented by line A). After reaching the third floor, the elevator stops to unload passengers, which means it should stay at the same position for a period of time (represented by a horizontal line). Finally, the elevator descends to the basement at a slower speed than before, which should be shown as a less steep downward slope (represented by line C).

By comparing the graph to the story, we can observe that line A correctly represents the elevator's rapid upward movement. However, line C is steeper than line A, indicating that the elevator descended at a faster speed than it ascended. This does not align with the story, as the elevator was supposed to descend at a slower speed. Therefore, we can conclude that the graph does not accurately represent the given story.

I don't see a graph.