The image of parallelogram PQRS after a reflection across Line W Y is parallelogram P'Q'R'S'.

2 parallelograms are shown. Line W Y is the line of reflection. Line segment R R prime has a midpoint at point Z. Line segment S S prime has a midpoint at point X.

= 12. What is the length of RZ?


Find the distance of R from WY That is the length of RZ.

To find the length of RZ, we need to understand the properties of reflections and parallelograms.

When a point is reflected across a line, the distance between the original point and its reflection remains the same. Therefore, the length of RR' is equal to the length of R'Z.

Since R'R and R'Z have the same midpoint at point Z, we can conclude that R'Z is half the length of R'R.

Given that RR' has a length of 12, we know that R'Z must have a length of 12/2 = 6.

So, the length of RZ is also 6.