what is the nth term in sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25...

what is the value of the tenth term in the sequence above

Ur mom

Bro I'm asking for The square numbers are

a) Work out the nth term rule for the
sequence of square numbers.
b) What is the 14th term in this

To find the nth term in a sequence, we need to determine the pattern or rule that is followed by the numbers in the sequence. In this case, it is easy to observe that the sequence consists of perfect squares of natural numbers.

The formula for finding the nth term in a sequence of perfect squares is given by:

nth term = n^2

So, to find the value of the tenth term, we substitute n = 10 into the formula:

10th term = 10^2 = 100

Therefore, the tenth term in the sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25... is equal to 100.

These are just the perfect squares:

a_n = n^2