Which of the equations will be a true statement if

? Select the two choices that apply.

In order to determine which equations are true when p = 103, we need to evaluate each equation using that value.

1. p + 10 = 103 + 10 = 113
2. p - 5 = 103 - 5 = 98
3. 2p = 2 * 103 = 206
4. p/10 = 103 / 10 = 10.3
5. p * 3 = 103 * 3 = 309

Out of these equations, the true statements are:

1. p + 10 = 113
4. p/10 = 10.3

Therefore, the correct choices are 1 and 4.

To determine which equations will be true when p = 10/3, we need to substitute 10/3 for p in each equation and check if the equation holds true.

Let's examine the given options:

1) p + 1 = 10/3 + 1
To solve this, we simply substitute p with 10/3:
10/3 + 1 = 10/3 + 3/3
This simplifies to:
10/3 + 1 = 13/3
Since 13/3 is not equal to 10/3, this equation is not true.

2) p - 2 = 10/3 - 2
Let's substitute p with 10/3:
10/3 - 2 = 10/3 - 6/3
This simplifies to:
10/3 - 2 = 4/3
Since 4/3 is not equal to 10/3, this equation is not true.

3) p * 3 = 10/3 * 3
By substituting p with 10/3:
10/3 * 3 = 10/3 * 1
This simplifies to:
10 = 10
Since both sides are equal, this equation is true when p = 10/3.

4) p / (10/3) = (10/3) / (10/3)
Substituting p with 10/3:
(10/3) / (10/3) = (10/3) / (10/3)
This simplifies to:
1 = 1
Since both sides are equal, this equation is true when p = 10/3.

From the options, the equations that will be true when p = 10/3 are:

1) p * 3 = 10/3 * 3
2) p / (10/3) = (10/3) / (10/3)

Therefore, the correct choices are options 3 and 4.

Do not express your equations vertically. Also choices not given. you cannot copy and paste here.

I assume you mean p = 10^3 = 1000