What is a topic sentence for "Annabel Lee"

To find an appropriate topic sentence for analyzing the poem "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe, we first need to understand the main themes or ideas expressed in the poem. "Annabel Lee" is a narrative poem that tells the story of a man mourning his lost love, Annabel Lee, and his enduring love for her even after death. Some possible topic sentences could be:

1. "The theme of eternal and transcendent love is portrayed throughout 'Annabel Lee' by Edgar Allan Poe."
Explanation: This topic sentence highlights the recurring theme of everlasting love and the protagonist's intense devotion towards Annabel Lee, even beyond the bounds of death.

2. "The melancholic atmosphere and tone in 'Annabel Lee' provides a reflection of grief and loss."
Explanation: This topic sentence focuses on the poem's overall mood, emphasizing how Poe uses language and imagery to convey a sense of sadness and mourning.

3. "Through vivid and imaginative language, Edgar Allan Poe explores the connection between love and death in 'Annabel Lee.'"
Explanation: This topic sentence centers on the poem's use of figurative language and symbolism to explore the complex relationship between love and mortality.

Remember that these topic sentences are just a starting point for your analysis. To develop your essay further, you should provide evidence from the poem to support your ideas and elaborate on the specific elements that contribute to the chosen topic sentence.