Is it true that in Costa Rica, soft drinks are considered fruit juice?

To determine whether soft drinks are considered fruit juice in Costa Rica, we can follow a simple process to find reliable information:

1. Go to a search engine (e.g., Google) and enter the keywords "Costa Rica soft drinks fruit juice" or a similar query.

By doing this, we can find relevant sources that provide information on this specific topic.

2. Look for credible sources or articles from reputable newspapers, government agencies, or official tourism websites.

These sources are often reliable when it comes to providing accurate information about a country's food and beverage practices.

3. Read multiple sources to cross-verify the information.

This step is crucial to ensure consistency and avoid relying on a single source that might provide biased or incorrect information.

From the sources I found, it appears that soft drinks are not considered fruit juice in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, the term "refresco" or "gaseosa" is usually used for soft drinks, while "jugo" is used for fruit juice.