read the following sentences from loyalties the father speaks to his son about the recent Biafran victory.

""what was i telling you the other day? that Ojuku is a real man, just the sort of leader we need to get things moving. Those dirty Nigerians will taste pepper if they try to attack us, let me tell you." my father was saying""

which type of humor does the father use when speaking to the boy?
A) hyperbole
B) incongruity
C) irony
D) sarcasm

the answer is hyperbole👌👍🖤

Based on the given excerpt, the type of humor the father uses when speaking to the boy is C) irony.

To determine which type of humor the father uses when speaking to the boy in the given sentences from Loyalties, we need to analyze the language and context.

The father's statement about Ojuku being a "real man" and the mention of "those dirty Nigerians will taste pepper" suggests that the father is expressing a strong and exaggerated belief in Ojuku's leadership qualities and making derogatory comments about other Nigerians.

Based on this analysis, the type of humor being used by the father can be classified as C) irony. Irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning is opposite or different from the literal meaning of the words. In this case, the father's ironic statement is portraying Ojuku as a strong and capable leader while simultaneously making derogatory remarks about other Nigerians.

Be sure to look up each of those 4 terms so you're 100% clear on the meaning of each one.
Then indicate which one you think is correct.