Hannah's school hosted a book donation. There are 150 students at her school, and they donated a total of b books! Hannah donated 3

times as many as the average number of books each student donated.

What is your question?

To find out how many books Hannah donated, we need to determine the average number of books each student donated first.

Average number of books per student = Total number of books donated / Number of students

Since the total number of books donated is represented by "b" and there are 150 students, we can calculate the average number of books per student:

Average number of books per student = b / 150

Next, we can find out how many books Hannah donated, which is three times the average number of books per student:

Hannah's donation = 3 * (b / 150)

Therefore, Hannah donated 3 times the average number of books per student.

b/50 because b/150 times 3 is b/50

Hope this helped! let me know if I got it wrong