The regular price is $126 for a TV. It is on sale at 25% discount. What will the TV cost after discount?

discount = 126 x 0.25 = ?

Then 126 - discount = cost to you.

It’s incorrect

Wait nvm

To find out the cost of the TV after the discount, you will need to calculate the discount amount and then subtract it from the regular price.

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount
First, convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
25% / 100 = 0.25

Next, multiply the regular price by the discount decimal to find the discount amount:
$126 * 0.25 = $31.50

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the regular price
To find the cost of the TV after the discount, subtract the discount amount from the regular price:
$126 - $31.50 = $94.50

Therefore, the TV will cost $94.50 after the 25% discount.