Two trains begin in Milford and end in Pinkerton which is 300 miles away. Train A leaves Milford at 10 o'clock am and travels at a rate of 90 miles per hour. Train B leaves Milford at 8 o'clock AM and travels70 miles per hour. Which train will arrive in Peekerton before 1 o'clock PM ?

Train B would arrive BEFORE 1pm

To determine which train will arrive in Pinkerton before 1 o'clock PM, we need to calculate the travel time for each train.

Train A leaves Milford at 10 o'clock AM, so it has a total travel time of 3 hours to reach Pinkerton before 1 o'clock PM (10 AM to 1 PM).

Train B leaves Milford at 8 o'clock AM, so it has a total travel time of 5 hours to reach Pinkerton before 1 o'clock PM (8 AM to 1 PM).

Given that Train A has a shorter travel time, it will arrive in Pinkerton before 1 o'clock PM.

To determine which train will arrive in Pinkerton before 1 o'clock PM, we need to compare the travel times of both trains.

To calculate the travel time, we can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

For Train A:
Distance = 300 miles
Speed = 90 miles per hour

Time taken by Train A = 300 miles / 90 miles per hour = 3.33 hours

For Train B:
Distance = 300 miles
Speed = 70 miles per hour

Time taken by Train B = 300 miles / 70 miles per hour = 4.29 hours

Now, let's convert the travel times to AM/PM format to compare them with the arrival time of 1 o'clock PM.

Train A leaves Milford at 10 o'clock AM and takes 3.33 hours to reach Pinkerton. Adding the travel time to the departure time, we get:
10 AM + 3.33 hours = 1:20 PM

Train B leaves Milford at 8 o'clock AM and takes 4.29 hours to reach Pinkerton. Adding the travel time to the departure time, we get:
8 AM + 4.29 hours = 12:17 PM

From the calculations, we can see that Train A will arrive in Pinkerton before 1 o'clock PM, while Train B will arrive at 12:17 PM. Therefore, Train A will arrive in Pinkerton before 1 o'clock PM.

A = 90 * 3 hours = ?

B = 70 * 5 hours = ?

Calculate and decide.