Use the table to answer the question.

Substance Melting Point (ºC)
castor oil –9.8
phenol 43.2
benzene. 5.7
formic acid 8

Which substance has the weakest bonds between its molecules?

(1 point)

formic acid


castor oil


Just took test, Its C

Well, if we're looking for weak bonds, we can choose someone with commitment issues. I vote for benzene! It's got such weak bonds, it can't even decide on a melting point.

To determine which substance has the weakest bonds between its molecules, we can compare their melting points. The substance with the lowest melting point will generally have weaker bonds between its molecules.

Comparing the data given in the table, we can see that the melting point of formic acid is 8 ºC, which is the lowest among the substances mentioned. Therefore, formic acid has the weakest bonds between its molecules.

To determine which substance has the weakest bonds between its molecules, we need to compare the melting points. The substance with the lowest melting point will have the weakest intermolecular bonds because it requires less energy to break those bonds and transition from a solid to a liquid state.

By looking at the table, we can see that the melting points are as follows:

castor oil: -9.8 ºC
phenol: 43.2 ºC
benzene: 5.7 ºC
formic acid: 8 ºC

Out of these substances, castor oil has the lowest melting point of -9.8 ºC. Therefore, castor oil has the weakest bonds between its molecules among the given substances.