A car can travel 160 miles on 4 gallons of gasoline. How far can the car travel on 1 gallon of gasoline?

If 4 gallons take you 160 miles, then

1 mile will take you 160/4 or 40 miles

or, use a ratio

160/4 = x/1
4x = 160
x = 160/4 = 40 miles

To find out how far the car can travel on 1 gallon of gasoline, you need to calculate the miles per gallon (MPG) of the car. The MPG is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total amount of gasoline used.

In this case, the car can travel 160 miles on 4 gallons of gasoline. So, to find the MPG, you divide the distance (160 miles) by the amount of gasoline (4 gallons):

MPG = Distance / Gasoline
MPG = 160 miles / 4 gallons
MPG = 40 miles per gallon

Therefore, the car can travel 40 miles on 1 gallon of gasoline.

you would have to subtract or sum

or divide im dum