Which is not part of the circulatory system

A. Kidneys
B. Veins
C. Arteries
D. Heart

Which of these do hormones NOT regulate in the endocrine system?

A. Sleep
B. Metabolism
C. Removal of waste
D. Sexual growth and development.

A and C


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the components of the circulatory system and the endocrine system.

The circulatory system consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and blood vessels. Its main function is to transport oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body.

The endocrine system, on the other hand, is a collection of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. These hormones regulate various bodily functions, including growth, metabolism, sleep, reproduction, and more.

Let's address the first question:

To determine which option is not part of the circulatory system, we can think about the purpose and function of each component.

A. Kidneys: The kidneys are not directly involved in circulating blood, but they are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and producing urine. Therefore, the kidneys are not part of the circulatory system.
B. Veins: Veins are responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood back to the heart. They are an essential part of the circulatory system.
C. Arteries: Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body's tissues. They are also a crucial component of the circulatory system.
D. Heart: The heart is the central organ of the circulatory system. It pumps blood throughout the body, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients reach all the cells.

By the process of elimination, we can see that the correct answer is A. Kidneys.

Moving on to the second question:

We need to identify which option hormones do not regulate in the endocrine system.

A. Sleep: Hormones such as melatonin can influence sleep patterns, so hormones do play a role in regulating sleep.
B. Metabolism: Hormones like insulin, thyroid hormones, and growth hormone all play a part in regulating metabolism. Therefore, hormones do regulate metabolism in the endocrine system.
C. Removal of waste: Hormones can affect the production and excretion of waste products in the body. For example, hormones in the kidneys regulate water and electrolyte balance, which impacts waste removal. So hormones do have a role in the removal of waste.
D. Sexual growth and development: Hormones, particularly sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, are responsible for sexual growth and development during puberty. Therefore, hormones do regulate sexual growth and development in the endocrine system.

Based on our understanding, there is no option that hormones do not regulate in the endocrine system. Therefore, the correct answer is None/All.

- The correct answer for the first question is A. Kidneys because they are not part of the circulatory system.
- The correct answer for the second question is None/All because hormones regulate all the options mentioned in the endocrine system.