A factory wants to fill a conical storage tank with sand. The tank has a height of 23.7 meters and a diameter of 21.4 meters. Calculate the volume of the storage tank to the nearest hundredth

V = π (10.7)^2 (23.7)

= 8524.44

Volume of circular tank = π r^2 h

you know r = 10.7 m and a height of 23.7
just sub those in and evaluate

the answer- 2841.47

so the nearest hundredth-2840.04

conical storage tank

your volume formula is wrong

To calculate the volume of a conical storage tank, you can use the formula:

V = (1/3)πr^2h

V is the volume of the conical tank,
π is a mathematical constant (approximately equal to 3.14159),
r is the radius of the base of the tank, and
h is the height of the tank.

First, let's calculate the radius by dividing the diameter by 2:

r = 21.4 meters / 2 = 10.7 meters

Next, substitute the values of r and h into the volume formula:

V = (1/3)π(10.7 meters)^2(23.7 meters)

V ≈ (1/3)(3.14159)(10.7 meters)^2(23.7 meters)

V ≈ (1/3)(3.14159)(114.49 square meters)(23.7 meters)

V ≈ (1/3)(3.14159)(2714.7513 cubic meters)

V ≈ 2852.70 cubic meters (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Therefore, the volume of the storage tank is approximately 2852.70 cubic meters.